Thursday 5 December 2013

Fasting has a powerful impact on the full metabolism

Fasting has a powerful impact on the full metabolism. After all, food - it's not what we eat, but what we can learn. Fasting trains the digestive, endocrine, urinary system, it is very important to distinguish between medical and health starvation. Brief Overview of Fat Loss Factor Program

Fasting - is a set of procedures and activities that should be appointed expert. As a result of improperly conducted prolonged starvation can cause serious kidney problems, heart irregularities. Without training and consulting a doctor is definitely harmful and even dangerous event.

Suitable for sanitary starvation - Healthy people 20 to 50 years without any damage to health can go without food for 1-2 days. But this is more a test of willpower dosed fasting - recreational activities. Need to spend it wisely and competently.

Before you start to starve, you need to clean the intestines. It is best to put the enema 1.5 liter. You can replace this procedure laxatives - 30 g of magnesium sulfate dissolved in a glass of hot water.

During the "hunger" of the day you should drink at least half to two liters of fluid. It is best suited for this purpose drinking water without gas, with a little salt content. Dr. Charles Livingston

It is also useful in the day to take a hot bath or shower. As they say, clean the inside and outside. It is easy to understand that fasting is best to spend the weekend.

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