Thursday, 21 November 2013

Warm drinks help

Warm drinks help - Also, it is good to take plenty of warm drinks. "The trachea and esophagus run next to each other," says the doctor. The heat is transferred as well.

Against the cough also helps correct breathing. Often he is in fact caused by too rapid and shallow breathing. Who takes a breath slower and deeper, his mucous membranes may thus relieve a little. Introduction

When productive cough with mucus, it is helpful if the partner stakeholders - about four times from bottom to top, each one right, one left, advises the expert, these vibrations of the chest to loosen mucus.

Nose pull nonsense - How it looks when blowing your nose? Can also gently blow your nose? Or should we pull up the mucus rather, as some claim? "It's amazing that haunts everywhere, it is better to pull the nose. This is nonsense, "says Dr. Michael Deeg, spokesman for the Professional Association of Otolaryngologists.

"Pulling is usually not very effective. Drag the high secretion, it remains in the nose and clogged there the fine additions to the sinuses, "says ear, nose and throat doctor Deeg. Unless the mucus is drawn up so far that it passes through the throat and it swallows him although it was unappetizing, but not harmful. List Of Breakthrough Videos

Not blow nose with large print - Basically, it makes sense that the secretion is conveyed from the nose. One should note two things, says Michael Deeg: First, do not brush the nose with too much pressure.

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