Monday, 25 November 2013

Sauna is one of the ways we can increase the activity of our immune system

Sauna is one of the ways we can increase the activity of our immune system. When applying this procedure to humans operate alternately dry air of high temperature and relatively rapid cooling. Regular sauna facilitates the removal of mental and physical fatigue, speeds recovery after power increases the organism's ability to survive in difficult life situations. Fat Loss Factor eBook

For all these positive effects can stay in the sauna very popular addition to health care for adults and children from the earliest age. The Czech Republic is the most widespread method of the Finnish sauna.

Potirna - Basic rooms in the sauna sweat room. It's a room that is lined with poplar, alder, aspen or spruce. The heating sauna use different heat sources. Effect of heat sweating may be accelerated by pouring hot stove small amount of water (up to ¼ l), which immediately evaporates, but immediately precipitates in the form of small water droplets.

Temperature changes the height at which the temperature is measured. When the floor is a temperature around 40-60 ° C, the ceiling is 140 ° C. Staying at such high temperatures allows dry air. Dr. Charles Livingston

Cold zones - If the sauna in nature is cold zones pond or lake, if not tend to be in larger saunas, plunge pools or you can use a cold shower. Cold water closes the pores and promotes blood circulation in skin temperature changes.

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