Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Mechanical peeling is the most accessible

Mechanical peeling - the most accessible and easiest method that is often used in self-care but we should not forget the fact that this procedure is still thin skin and can be traumatic. When selecting a scrub better to give preference to formulations with the smallest abrasives. If you have thin dry skin, this type of peel you contraindicated. How Does Fat Loss Factor Work?

In chemical peeling surface layer of the skin is dissolved by the acid. This is a more complex and demanding procedures, which are best left to the beautician. Determine the correct concentration and time of action of the acid - a rather difficult task for the layman. The error may cause chemical burns of the skin.

However, there are drugs for self-application. They contain fruit acids in low concentrations and are rather low degree of exposure. Professional chemical peel treatments carried out in cosmetology rooms are very popular due to its effectiveness. They have a strong stimulating and rejuvenating effect.

Each type of skin should choose a method and means for peeling individually. Only in this case, you can get a good result and do not damage the skin. Fast Food Foojoo Software

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