Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Osteoarthritis is a disease of old people

Osteoarthritis is a disease of old people worry you can even youth

Joint pain affects not only older people. Tease you may already feel in twenty years.

The reason for this fact may be inappropriately chosen sport, but also overweight. How to tell the beginning osteoarthritis and how to fight it? You need to start changing the diet. Introduction

Illustrative photo

The development of arthritis is very slow and can sometimes take several years.

Osteoarthritis is a joint disease where there is a fault restoration of particular cartilage and consequently to changes in bone and adjacent soft tissues.

Overall, affects about 12 percent of the population and the frequency of its occurrence increases with age. According to recent surveys suffer from more than half of people over the age of seventy years.

"Despite the widespread belief osteoarthritis affects both the older part of the population, as well as the younger.

Might first appear at around 20 years of life, there is usually only detectable microscopically," said Paul Drably doctor who is dedicated to rehabilitation medicine. FLF Weight Tracker

Young harmful unilateral sport activity

He added that the first impulses of arthritis often at first glance seem insignificant and trivial.

This is essentially a very common issue as inappropriately chosen sport or gradually increasing weight.

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