Drink enough
While running you lose a lot of moisture, so it is important to properly maintain it. Levels It's annoying to have to, go to the bathroom while running, therefore it is best to 45 minutes before you start drinking extra and if you leave a moment to visit the toilet. During the run, it is reasonable to drink. 100-200 milliliters per quarter. Fat Loss Factor Measurements Form http://fatlossfactoreviewscam.com/
Warming up
The warm-up is very important here to make your muscles loosen, making it reduced the risk of injury and enhances athletic performance.
You start with walking or running very quiet, you do this about 3 minutes to warm your muscles.
Then switch off the following exercises:
Hopping: Small steps that make you light lifting your knees.
Knee lift: Here you lift during a quiet run to turn the left and right leg 90 degrees.
Arm swing: Any ongoing relaxing your arms to the front and rear sway." List Of Breakthrough Videos
Hips rotate: During this exercise are your legs slightly spread. Rotate your hips slowly large circles, then keep trying. The rest of your body as still as possible
Turning the head: Carefully small circles with your head while your legs are slightly spread Five times left and 5 right times is often sufficient.
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