Monday, 2 December 2013

Information about Digital care

Always pay extra attention to your e-mail correctly addresses, so he does not fall into the wrong hands.

The name, address, date of birth and patient number in the email. So you can not be confused. Else with someone. Brief Overview of Fat Loss Factor Program

Make sure your GP briefly and clearly informs about your symptoms and the question you have.

If you are on the consultation with "you" appeals to your doctor, do so in the e-mail correspondence. Do not go jibe JOUEN even sign your doctor with the first name. "Dear Doctor" is a common term of address. 

The probability is very small, but still: online communication is not one hundred percent waterproof. Keep that in mind.

Remote care: the patient has control health brings care closer

Over five years, digital relief of the doctor as common as sending an e-mail to your best friend Now there may be a lot, but not much happens.

Why is that?

digital doctor, care-at-distance, e-health We mail with (small) children, family and friends, book our holidays online and find friends on the Internet or a new love. But digital care? It still feels weird. Yet it seems that development does not stop. Dr. Charles Livingston

E Health era

Experts know for sure: we are on the threshold of a new era in health care, the so-called e Health era. Another name for e Health is' remote care. But actually doing e Health opposite: it brings healthcare closer. You get through the computer doctor, nurse or home care worker in the home.

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